First Prog: 105
Final Prog: 998 (the
last of a series of Dreddworld star scans)
899 (as strip artist)
Total appearances: 260
- including covers and a
plethora of star scans, but not including his prodigious output on the Daily
Star Dredd strip, which he worked on almost exclusively for years.
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Who needs three panels to tell a joke? Words by Wagner & Grant |
Creator credits:
Chronos Carnival
Other art credits:
Judge Dredd
Tales of the DogHouse
Survivor – a Mean Team spin off
Rogue Trooper (Fr1day edition)
Harlem Heroes (in fact, a prequel
featuring Silver and Slice only, as I recall)
RoboHunter (Millar version. A
shame, as he would’ve been pretty great for some of the old Wagner/Grant
stories I reckon)
Future Shocks
Notable character creations:
Marlon ‘Chopper’ Shakespeare*
Otto Sump; Citizen Snork;
Filmore Faro (an enormous list of delightful Judge Dredd side characters,
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Citizen Snork holds court Words by Wagner & Grant |
Notable characteristics:
Motion; stupid people;
helmets that can frown; controlled chaos; sound effects; mad detail. Generally
injecting all his work with a tone of unbridled, gleeful lunacy.
On Ron:
Ron Smith was one of
just a handful of regular artists on Dredd from Prog 105-499, and more than
earned his stripe as the man tapped to draw Dredd for weekly, then daily
publication in the Daily Star Strip. And, for the record, he has drawn more Judge Dredd stories than anyone else!
However, it seems he’s
something of a divisive artist, fondly remembered for his work on a lot of the
funniest Judge Dredd stories, but perhaps
less fondly remembered and name-checked than the likes of Bolland or McMahon,
to name just two examples.
It’s certainly true
that Smith has a very different style to these greats, and unlike those two, very
few, if any, 2000 AD artists have attempted to borrow Smith’s distinctive look
(Steve Roberts or Boo Cook, a tiny bit, maybe?). So what’s different about it?
It could be that he doesn’t have as many big iconic panels as those two. He
doesn’t go in for chunks of black, so although he drew his fair share of dramatic
poses, Smith’s figures don’t tend to stand out in the way of a Bolland panel.
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What makes a panel iconic and memorable? Words by Wagner & Grant |
What he does go in for
is hyper-kinetic poses showing people not just in mid-action, but in the
weirdest possible frame within that action. Some of his poses end up fairly
alarming in isolation, but by golly they make the action zip across the page.
You can tell he has a background in animation.
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Deftly positioned feet Words by Wagner & Grant |
That's what I call charging headfirst into action Words by Wagner & Grant |
Another great Smith
trick is the effort he puts into the faces, hair and clothing on the smallest
side character. When I think of Mega City 1 citizens, it’s Ron Smith all the
way. And although Judge Dredd is as replete with short, funny one-offs now as
it ever has been, there’ll always be something special about Smith’s work.
Plus, he did The Graveyard Shift, everyone’s favourite micro-epic.*** And it’s important to point out that he was a key player in many of the more poignant Dredd stories, including Unamerican Graffiti, in which young Chopper is maybe the first perp to sort of get the better of Dredd. See also Portrait of a Politician, which lends pathos to an orangutan, and most especially the trifecta of A Question of Judgement / Error of Judgement / A Case for Treatment. This little trio were, I think the first steps that took Dredd on the path of doubting the system, a background plotline that has grown and grown over the years. It also involves the Monty-Pythonesque delight of a hilariously crippled child. He seemed to be an artists who’d attack every script he was given with verve and brio, no matter how insane the panel descriptions.
That last juve cracks me up every time. He wants to try his first umpty so bad. Words by Wagner and Grant |
A picture of despair and desperation from the hardened criminal who can'tcope with Walter's Dredd obsession. |
Plus, he did The Graveyard Shift, everyone’s favourite micro-epic.*** And it’s important to point out that he was a key player in many of the more poignant Dredd stories, including Unamerican Graffiti, in which young Chopper is maybe the first perp to sort of get the better of Dredd. See also Portrait of a Politician, which lends pathos to an orangutan, and most especially the trifecta of A Question of Judgement / Error of Judgement / A Case for Treatment. This little trio were, I think the first steps that took Dredd on the path of doubting the system, a background plotline that has grown and grown over the years. It also involves the Monty-Pythonesque delight of a hilariously crippled child. He seemed to be an artists who’d attack every script he was given with verve and brio, no matter how insane the panel descriptions.
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'Dear Ron, please draw a weird-looking spider-headed alien who carries a maguical bag that can fit anything inside it.' 'Dear John and Alan, no problem.' |
It’s true no one could
have improved upon Ezquerra’s Strontium
Dog or Gibson’s Robo Hunter, but
I can’t help but think Ron Smith could have designed the heck out of some crazy
mutants and robots, had he been called upon to do so. And his vision of
Downlode would have been a delight, I’ll bet. But, as it happened, Smith was
exclusive on Dredd for most of his career.
Instead, when he
returned to the Prog in the early 90s with a somewhat refined style, Ron Smith ended
up doing his level best to liven up some frankly pedestrian scripts. Survivor, the Mean Team spin-off no one was clammering for***, asked Ron ‘crazy
humans’ Smith to draw a panther, and not a team of weird-looking future sports
players. Still, he got some interesting page layouts in there.
Capturing a moment Words by Hilary Robinson |
Chronos Carnival, something of a by-word for rubbish stories,
is actually far better (than Survivor;
not saying much…) and a good use of Smith’s talents. If it had a problem, it’s
that it belonged in Tornado or Tiger or even today’s Phoenix - a proper children’s adventure comic,
essentially. The two human leads were fairly dry by Smith’s standards, but at
least he got to litter the background with the frantic daily goings-on of a
carnival. He also got to play with dragon-looking aliens, and still give them
the Ron Smith facial expression treatment. And, every now and then, he livened up a number of mid-period Future Shocks - the sort of stories that can be made so much better with a decent artist.
Neil could've used a more exciting name and a much more futuristic wheelchair Words by Hilary Robinson |
No one draw characters with their head in their hands better than Ron Smith Words by Hilary Robinson |
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It's a metaphor for the fear of old age. Maybe. Words by Igor Goldkind |
A far less good use of
Smith’s talents was as the new Rogue
Trooper artist. The character had just been made over as an uber-serious,
deeply sombre figure dubbed ‘the War Machine’, with overlty adult painted art
by Will Simpson. Ron Smith is about as far as you can go in the opposite
It ended up making some sense because the scripts for this
new iteration of Rogue Trooper were written by Micahel Fleisher, who either
hadn’t read or didn’t get the point of the War
Machine, instead writing a children’s action comic. ‘The Golden Fox
Rebellion’ is pretty poor. ‘Apocalypse Dreadnought’, a later series set mostly
in a PoW camp, was actually much better, but still an odd fit for Smith.
As a reward, he was
put back on Dredd, after a long absence. But he ended up working on, mostly,
the overtly silly ones, often scripted by Mark Millar or ‘Sydney Falco’. I get
the impression he’d said all he wanted to say with Judge Dredd and at this
point was sort of going through the motions. Still, the anarchy inherent in his
work prevailed, and his ultra-cartoony style was at least a match for Mark
Millar’s predilection for jokes that don’t work in a real-world setting.
Judge Death - not his finest hour, but still scary. Words by John Wagner |
So fast you can outrun a Judge with a gun? Really? But points for the rendering of the gag. Words by Mark Millar. |
Smith had already
enjoyed a long career in British comics before 2000 AD came along, but his
Dredd work is a crowning achievement both for himself, and for the comic.
Personal favourites:
Judge Dredd: City Block; The Invisible Man; Alien Seeds; Otto Sump’s Ugly Clinic;
Unamerican Graffiti; The Hotdog Run; Blobs; Jimps; The Stupid Gun; The Weather
Man; Question of Judgement; Great Brain Robbery; Guide to Mega-Speak
(and pretty much any
given episode of the Daily Star series. Go on, buy a copy!)
Rogue Trooper: the Apocalypse Dreadnought (honestly, it hasn’t held up very well on
re-reads, but I remember really digging it when I read it in the Prog, back
before I realised I was supposed to automatically discount anything written by
Michael Fleisher. More words on him another time, and not all bad.)
More on Ron Smith
Listen to him on the Everything Comes Back to 2000 AD podcast
Read Douglas Wolk's review of his work on the Daily Star Dredds
and a more recent review of the latest Daily Star collection on Flickering Myth
*Smith drew
‘Unamerican Graffiti’, the Judge Dredd episode in which the young Chopper first
appeared as a wall-scrawler. His look was significantly redesigned by Cam
Kennedy for ‘Midnight Surfer’, and arguably again by Colin MacNeil for ‘Song of
the Surfer’. Nonetheless, original credit where it is due!
**That’s the general
term for Dredd stories that are more than 5 but less than 15 episodes long,
***Actually, 11
year-old me was a huge Mean Team fan and was terribly excited when this
appeared out of the blue. I was happy to see Henry Moon again, but all around
the decision to commission this actual story was a head-scratcher.
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